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MOBILITY 3. Creative Teaching in the Secondary and Adult Language Classrooom. The Lake School of English, Oxford, the UK. Montse Bultó. Day 9


  • Dictogloss:
1. Read at normal speed and no writing
2. Read at normal speed and write the key words
3. Read at normal speed and write the missing words
4. In pairs: fill in spaces we didn't hear
5. Read again and make sure students got it word for word.

  • Stories: in groups students continue a story the teacher gives them + move stories around, expand a piece of news (each group of students writes a paragraph which focuses on a different aspect).
  • Register: formal vs standard language nowadays, punctuation, words from Latin origin vs Anglo-saxon words
  • Writing short texts:
1. Give students magazines
2. Specific page at random and students choose a block of text
3. Go to the 7th word and write a sentence with the word
4. Read all sentences and students have to create a text with all the sentences
3. Go to 1st, 3rd and 5th word and write a sentence for each word.
2. Choose 7 words at random and write a poem.
  • Writing descriptions: give a picture and write a description from different points of view, e.g. a house: from the estate agent, for a horror story, for a novel + compare them and notice the choice of words. (with lower-level: give them words to choose)
  • Writing a biography with blanks.
  • Importance of punctuation


  • From Timesaver Phrasal Verbs and Idioms page 36: spot the differences, with the key words they complete the idioms.
  • Use images and elicit idioms with the words 
  • Use the initial letter of each idiom in questions, sort them out and speak.
