Day 7
See OER (Open Educational Resources), a source of common sharable materials without authoring credits.
How we deal with materials nowadays
It is safe to think of the kind of materials we need and then to know where to spot those materials so that there are no authoring constraints.
Attribution to materials. TASL acronym
Title / Author / Source / License
Note: Snapchat (includes video) seems to be replacing tweeter (text only)
PIXABAY ( is to use your own pictures and video sources (both stds & teachers). Good to cite it as source. They are quite professional designs. A way of collecting materials the right way.
JING as PRINTSCREEN (shift + printscreen) but more interactive because you can use video to give oral instructions as the procedure is shown . Another similar program is EZVID. The latter is lighter and easy to use.
DVD SOFT (www.dvdvideosoft) to download a video for class use as a simpler and lighter tool for the same thing.
WORDLE: frequency-used words
Note: TAXEDO is good alternative for WORDLE
PADLET or THINGLINK are similar: students can co create with you on PADLET without making an account.
All participants share their pedagogical use of some of these tools. In my case I show my European colleagues how at our EOI Cornellà we make use of PADLET to give shape to our artdossiers.
On a static image you add videos, text, etc. The spots on the image show the further info. Some of the nice features are not available for free anymore. Similar to AURASMA but in the latter you use your mobile. Similar to TALE BLAZER (with a background
It's a mindmap maker
The course finishes with these overview of resources and an unsucessful attempt to make a tiny project using AURASMA.
The certificates of the course and the EUROPASS are handed out.
See OER (Open Educational Resources), a source of common sharable materials without authoring credits.
How we deal with materials nowadays
- REVISE : Add a question, revise a script
- REMIX Teacher makes combinations from various authors
- REUSE T uses with no changes with no changes
- REDISTRIBUTE After making changes you share those with stds
It is safe to think of the kind of materials we need and then to know where to spot those materials so that there are no authoring constraints.
Attribution to materials. TASL acronym
Title / Author / Source / License
Note: Snapchat (includes video) seems to be replacing tweeter (text only)
PIXABAY ( is to use your own pictures and video sources (both stds & teachers). Good to cite it as source. They are quite professional designs. A way of collecting materials the right way.
JING as PRINTSCREEN (shift + printscreen) but more interactive because you can use video to give oral instructions as the procedure is shown . Another similar program is EZVID. The latter is lighter and easy to use.
DVD SOFT (www.dvdvideosoft) to download a video for class use as a simpler and lighter tool for the same thing.
WORDLE: frequency-used words
Note: TAXEDO is good alternative for WORDLE
PADLET or THINGLINK are similar: students can co create with you on PADLET without making an account.
All participants share their pedagogical use of some of these tools. In my case I show my European colleagues how at our EOI Cornellà we make use of PADLET to give shape to our artdossiers.
On a static image you add videos, text, etc. The spots on the image show the further info. Some of the nice features are not available for free anymore. Similar to AURASMA but in the latter you use your mobile. Similar to TALE BLAZER (with a background
It's a mindmap maker
The course finishes with these overview of resources and an unsucessful attempt to make a tiny project using AURASMA.
The certificates of the course and the EUROPASS are handed out.
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